After days of cold, high wind and some rain we finally get a
break some blue skies and sunshine in El Calafate so decide it’s time to take a
break and get some mounting issues resolved at the same time.
Ushuaia would have been a disappointment if not for the fact
that the Air B&B we stopped at was above car body shop, the wife ran the Air B & B
and husband the body shop. As soon as we arrived I pulled out the bits of wheel
arch and mud flap (that had been removed by the woman who ripped the side off
her car on our landcruiser in our last trip) and asked him if he could repair
it. He consulted one of his guys and said they could have it finished by Sunday
night. But Sunday was very wet and humid and they said the conditions were not
good for painting (I think it was more that Sunday wasn’t good for painting
personally) but they worked very late on Monday and called me down just before
midnight to inspect the finished article. Given the smashed bits I had given them
the wheel arch was pretty good, and they had made an excellent job of repairing
the piece missing from the side light by gluing a piece cut from a damaged
light off another car.
Ushuaia was nothing special, they have a good Irish pub with
Beagle Stout instead of Guinness, very different but still very drinkable and
of course the King Crab restaurant which many of you will have seen on Chris’s
Facebook page. We also fund a bike shop and bought new inner and outer brake
cables (as all of the existing cables were now completely seized up).
The morning after the truck was finished we headed out of
Ushuaia, supposedly north, but the sun was shining and we stopped to take
photo’s at the Ushuaia sign at the entrance to the city. There we met a couple
of Americans on a motorbikes that were enthusing about the dirt track that went
to the furthest point south with an excellent fish restaurant on the way, from
a turn-off 30k up the road. So, not wanting to miss out on the furthest road
south, we took the turn and the 60 mile road to the bottom of the Americas, and
stopped at the fish restaurant for lunch.
After reaching the bottom and taking a few photos we
turned back, but pulled off the road to let the tyres down a bit for the trip
back and a guy emerged from the bushes drying a bowl with a tea towel. This was
Kevin, a Canadian motorcyclist, who had set off from Canada exactly one year
before, he was about 4 months behind schedule (on his trip round the world) but
thought it a good spot to spend his one year anniversary, showed us his camping
spot down a little track and invited us to join him for his first year on the
road celebration with a small bottle of whisky he had bought for the occasion.
(He did not drink very much and we don’t drink whisky so turned out to be more
than enough). The spot he had found was perfect, so we engaged low box, crawled
through the water filled ditch and up to a little clearing overlooking a lake,
perfect, and definitely the last possible camping spot before the end of the
It was chilly, but the wind had dropped, we had enough
rain to warrant unfurling the awning, but it didn’t last long and we spent the
evening exchanging tales of our travels.
The following morning the skies blue the sun was shining,
Kevin went on his way, but not before giving us one of his sticker, which was
so good it immediately went on the truck (I usually keep them and put them on
in batches once I have decided where they go) but this one had a space waiting
for it.
It was good to meet Kevin as besides a few fleeting
conversations at fuel stations with people heading in the opposite direction,
he was the first we had really spoken to on this phase.
The wind picked up but the sky stayed blue as we headed
north but found a spot sheltered from the wind of lunch, when we were suddenly
hit by a short sharp shower, even though there was hardly a cloud in the sky!
Once back on the main road we headed back up to Chile, stayed
at the same hostel in Rio Grande, crossed the border, took the ferry back to
Patagonia and turned left to Punta Arenas. After talking to people in Ushuaia
we weren’t bothered about seeing Punta Arenas, but we did make a short visit to
the supermarket and then stopped at a huge free camp site about 15 miles north.
This camp site had literally hundreds of miles of tracks
leading to groups of 2 or 3 camping spots sent amongst trees and bushes, each
with a large wind break, benches and fire pits and we chose one well into the
park and were asleep before midnight. At 02.30 a small car pulled up to the next
spot, opened the doors, turned their music up full blast and proceeded to cut
wood for a fire, shouting to each other over the (music?). Fortunately at 04.00
I think it got too cold for them as they got in the car and shut the doors
which muted the music somewhat. By 06.30 they had gone! A shame really, if they
had pitched a tent and stayed longer I would have been tempted to tie a couple
of guy ropes to the bumper and driven off with them!
Next night was a camp site in Puerto Natales and at last several overlanders. This site had a large communal area with a number of
tables with a large kitchen in the corner. This place was full of people from
all over the world, (many of them back packers with small tents heading into
Torres del Paine) and by 7pm the place was full of amazing aromas of all the
different styles of cooking as around 10 people at a time claimed their spot on
the work top with their chopping board and utilise one or two of the many gas
rings available. Whilst there we got chatting to a Dutch couple in a small 4x4
motor home that had recently been to Mongolia the opposite way round to us and
have recently started in the Americas, starting in the south and again going in
the opposite direction. It was particularly interesting to learn how much had
changed (particularly in the Stans) since we were there.
Next day started cloudy, but we decided to risk it and
head for Torres del Paine. As we approached the cloud started to disappear and
as we entered the park there was just a trail of cloud across the tops of the
mountains, which soon evaporated to leave a beautiful clear blue sky. Though
expensive we stopped in a camp site in the centre of the park that night and
had a very calm night with amazing views of these iconic mountains.
After another day in the park with a walk to see an ice
berg we camped at one of the entrances, doubled back to do another walk to a
rather disappointing water fall and then headed back into Argentina and on to
El Calafate.
Now we were in need of a good mechanic. It was time for
an oil change, the fan belts were well overdue changing (and had been squealing
for the first mile or two for the last few days (ensuring that anyone not
already watching us now was) and on the way from Punta Arenas I had switched on
the inverter for the first time this trip (to charge the lap top) which was
dead as a dodo and later found that all of the ancillary services from the
leisure battery (other than the fridge) had stopped working. I managed to
identify the point of failure but decided at this point to hand it over to
someone who knew what he was doing.
The drive to El Calafate had been windy, but by the time
we reached the camp site the wind had dropped, the sun was out and it was
pleasantly warm. We drove in behind another landcruiser with South African
plates and ended up camping next to them. We chatted about eventually crossing to South Africa and asked a few
questions. The following morning they left before were up, but handed their
contact details through the roof tent door and told us to contact them if we
came over.
Next morning the skies were blue and we were soon in
shorts and sandals, at last. We found an English speaking mechanic on
IOverlander, went to see him to go through the issues, asked him to give the
suspension and steering a good check over and grease the prop shaft and booked
it in for the following day.
This turned out to be an amazingly good choice as he gave
it a thorough check over, had to remove the grease nipples on the prop shaft to
clear the crud out of them, fixed the electrical problem and after he had
finished asked him if he could an issue with the steering wheel, which was way
off centre (since having the tracking adjusted in Ecuador). He then wheeled out
his tracking equipment and his guys spent a good hour making adjustments (with
the car high up on a ramp where they could not possibly have seen the steering
wheel). When they had finished the readings on the screen were identical to
when they had started and I was wondering what on earth they had been doing,
but when the lowered the ramp the steering wheel was magically straight!!!
Oh, and while they were working on the car I took the
bike off, found a spot in the yard in the sunshine and replaced all the cables
and re set the gears and breaks so now both the car and the bike are back in
tip top condition!
As well as the South Africans we also got chatting to a
Chilean medical professor (who has lectured at kings College in London) on
holiday with his two sons. They been in Torres del Paine for a week looking for
pumas, camped in the same area that were on our second night and told us the
only puma they saw was a large one standing exactly where we were camped the
night before we were there! He was telling us loads of good places to visit and
invited us to stay with them on our way north, which we may well take him up on.
And then the Dutch couple we met in Puerto Natales turned up and stayed for 2
Overall, thus far Patagonia? Tierra del Fuego have been a
bit of a disappointment. I am surprised to say this, but so far everything we
have seen in the way of mountains, waterfalls etc. can be beaten hands down by
the same in America (except the penguins of course). There have been good times
but if anyone was doing the same I would suggest they cut across from Puerto
Santa Cruz to El Calafate and miss out
Ushuaia and Punta Arenas.
Next it is Glacier Park and then up the Ruta 40 and into
Chile and the Carratera Astral, two of the most iconic roads in the world,
still mostly gravel.
The cruiser is now
serviced with a clean bill of health, so off we go!
Ushuaia, our Air B&B is the yellow house on the left. |
The view from Ushuaia |
King Crab! |
Repaired Wheel Arch |
Repaired Side light (better than a piece of plastic and tape!) |
Someone offers to take our photo. (Paul, please note the Allioi T shirt) |
On the road to the end of the world a guy stopped us, a few minutes later a huge tree fell across the road, the guy then jumped in the digger and pushed it out of the way |
We park for the fish restaurant |
Near the end of the road |
Then we drive off the end of the road, apparently you can go further by horse! |
Last camp spot in the Americas, with Kevin and his motor bike. |
A beautiful location and we wake up to blue skies sunshine and no wind! |
Before he leaves Kevin gives us one of our favourite stickers
Back on the road |
Past a farm built by a family from New Zealand in 1886, one of the first to bring sheep to Patagonia and still owned by the same family. |
Camp site at Puerto Natales, where we finally find other overlanders |
Approaching Torres del Paine, just a few clouds left |
And then there were none |
Very expensive, but an amazing camping spot none the less |
With amazing views |
Very cold and windy but a smile from Chris (beats Mrs. Glum on holiday) |
We walk across a sand bank to a small island |
And then round the island |
With stunning views |
To an ice berg!?! OK, but the walk was good. |
Next night we find a free camping spot, then told a puma was spotted on this exact spot the night before. The long grass was full of dust and mosquitoes, Chris had a killing spree with the exterminator in the tent |
This is the big waterfall, quite nice, but not Niagara or Gocta Falls (Peru) |
Another view of this rather impressive, but very small mountain range. |
Another waterfall! Chris's dad would have canoed over this one! |
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